In addition to changing the format, I have revised and edited this presentation.
My original PowerPoint Truth & Light presentation can be found here.
Truth & Light
(Revised edition)
(Posted 01/18/10)
There is no easy way to introduce people to what is about to be revealed to them on my website.
For those who have never heard of the Face on Mars or the D&M pyramid, it’s about time you did.
There has been a controversy raging for almost 30 years about a certain Sphinx that occupies about 4.5 square kilometers of real estate in a region of Mars symbolically called Cydonia.
If you are a newcomer, I encourage you to read this brief chronology of the Martian anomaly research efforts.
By far it isn’t the entire story, but it’s a fair and accurate account in a nutshell. Click here to read it.
Now that you have a little background, I’m going to show you Cydonia as I have come to understand it.
But first I want to field the #1 question newcomers pose to me when they hear about what I’ve done and see the results on my cool new cell phone.
“What does it mean?”
The implications are staggering.
From the age old question “are we alone” to weather control, health, free energy, and limitless travel capabilities, make no mistake, the reality of Cydonia and the physics it implies is, to say the least, all encompassing.
To help put the issue into some kind of immediate and relevant perspective for people, I like to bring up the Global Warming problem.
A little known fact is NASA and mainstream science continuously neglect to realize every other active planet in our solar system is also warming.
Obviously, something other than carbon dioxide is contributing to the warming.
This is an image of Jupiter’s moon, Io.
(image source: NASA)
Notice there is a long straight shadow.
Utilizing known parameters, one can determine Io’s north line through simple measurement and observation of our solar system’s geometry.
As one might expect, NASA has supplied this image north up.
To help illustrate this fact, I have dropped in a vertical line.
Notice the line conforms to the shadow.
I can then drop in two more lines and rotate them 90 and 19.5 degrees respectively.
Notice how the red east/west line points straight through the smaller of the two very large volcanic plumes.
The yellow 19.5 line goes straight through the larger of the massive plumes.
For the same reason our own planet is warming…
The geometry of Cydonia.
My father would constantly remind me:
“Never let anyone tell you the answers.”
“Figure it out for yourself, Max”
I did, Tata, I did.
Welcome to the truth… Welcome to the light…
We are not alone…
(Image source: NASA)
Above is an image of Mars, Cydonia, 1976 Viking data 35a72.
This is a processed version of the original image NASA used to present the Face to the world only to immediately implement a system of obfuscation, disinformation, and outright tampering of data to suppress it.
This is actually the first image I ever saw.
It was around 1990 or 91. So I was either 17 or 18 years old.
One of my best friends was one of the first to be ‘online’.
When he was pulling up the image for me to see, I commented, “Fred, if it’s really a face, there ought to be other things near by, like pyramids or something.”
Talk about scientific prediction and fast confirmation.
From the get go, I knew there was something monumentally important going on here.
The Face was never alone.
(Image source: Malin Space Science Systems)
Quite the contrary.
Above are some of the names of the most commonly referred to features at Cydonia.
I've added the red label to notate "The Fort" because it eventually becomes extremely important and relevant.
This next image is processed 1976 Viking data, 70a13.
This is the image that had to be found.
Serious researchers can only assume this is the second image NASA says it took which confirmed the Face was only a “trick of light and shadow”.
(Image source: NASA)
It was from this higher sun angle image Richard C. Hoagland accurately noted the Face appeared to be a bifurcated, that is, half man and half lion visage.
(Hoagland image)
If proven to be true, the implications would be inspiring to say the least.
As the data became clearer….
(Image source: MSSS)
It seemed more and more obvious...
(Hoagland image)
…Hoagland was on to something.
After all…
(Hoagland image)
… Fusion in art is nothing new.
Even though we could all see it as illustrated by my trace in black and an ardent skeptic’s trace in red:
Where were the numbers?
What about the geometry?
Rewind to 1989.
Enter Richard Hoagland and Erol Torun with their original Message of Cydonia paper.
Hoagland and Torun claim there is a specific and perfect 60 degree relationship between the Face, City Square, and D&M pyramid.
Out of this relationship, they claim, falls an elegant and undeniable coded system of information which leads them to believe there is a new physics to be gleaned through studying Cydonia.
Similar to e=mc^2, the geometry of Cydonia can be reduced and expressed simply as e/pi.
What this e/pi mathematical relationship implies geometrically is a perfect tetrahedron circumscribed by a rotating sphere.
If one places the tip of the tetrahedron at the north pole of any sphere, the other three vertices will touch the sphere at precisely 19.47 degrees.
Many redundant angles and figures emerge from this elegant context making themselves relevant.
To name but a few, some of the most recurring are: 19.5, 22.5, 33.3, 60.0, 90.0, and 4.7.
(Hoagland illustration)
Simply stated, the geometry of Cydonia falls into place through one crucial relationship which exists between the Face, the City Square and the D&M’s orientation with respect to each of them.
Without this one crucial relationship, under careful measurement and scrutiny, the geometric context completely falls apart.
For example, once that relationship is locked in, 60 degrees to the right must point through the Tholus.
Or a better example: -10.5 degrees off the D&M’s axis of symmetry, according to Hoagland and Torun, must be true north or offset from True North via some relevant tetrahedral angle.
This is a Hoagland illustration scanned from Monuments.
The point I’m trying to make is, like with the Pyramids of Giza or Teotihuacan….
Accuracy and precision are hallmarks of intelligent design.
We should expect them from the Cydonia complex.
Based on this assumption, I set out to prove Cydonia is in fact artificial.
“Euclid taught me that without assumptions there is no proof. Therefore, in any argument, examine the assumptions.” ~ E.T. Bell
I would not have gone far without The McDaniel Report.
He supplied many detailed pages like what you see here.
The next few images are just a few of the most readily available examples of the geometry of Cydonia.
They help illustrate exactly what I had to go on from the beginning of my investigation.
The first two illustrations are by Hoagland and the third is by Carlotto.
(click on each for larger view)
What one sees above are ‘sketches’.
Actual measurements were performed on much larger ‘orthographically rectified’ ’76 Viking data prints.
Nobody outside of an elite circle had those prints or the data to reproduce them.
In other words, reproducing the claimed measurements was impossible for the average person.
Obviously there is a problem here because reproducibility is a cornerstone of all good science.
Think about this, though.
Even if the ‘orthographically rectified’ ’76 Viking data is truly lost or unavailable, why on Earth had the proposed geometry not been verified on newer MOC or THEMIS data?
Could this new data not be ‘orthographically rectified’?
Bear with me and don’t worry… you will understand ‘orthographically rectified’ as I have come to understand it before you leave here.
Next is Carlotto’s version of the Geometry of Cydonia given in his book The Martian Enigmas.
Notice his assumption the image is oriented n/s/e/w.
What’s really interesting here is the grid certainly ‘fits’ an assumed 33.3 degree orientation.
What’s also interesting is while the label of the angle is 33.3 degrees; the actual measured value of the angle is exactly 33.0 degrees.
This makes me wonder if Carlotto’s software was capable of carrying out the measurement the extra .3 degrees.
It also makes me wonder why he wouldn’t test the specific geometric relationship model proposed by Hoagland and Torun.
Obviously, there is a disagreement between Carlotto and Hoagland.
Simply compare the above 33.3 degree measurement to Hoagland’s 22.5 degree measurement scanned from Monuments.
Here, the actual measured value of the angle is 22.8 degrees.
Aside from the major disagreement in alignment, Carlotto and Hoagland are both off by .3 degrees in opposite directions.
Very strange, indeed.
The 19.5 measurement one sees next is given by Hoagland on 2002 THEMIS data.
It was when I first saw this I really started to become anxious about the geometry issue.
I actually said to myself like a disappointed child, “How come he gets to measure???”
Of course Hoagland could’ve done the actual measuring on his old ’76 orthographic data and ‘slapped’ this angle up on the computer.
The angle shown is labeled as 19.5 degrees.
The actual measured value is, 18.7 degrees.
The implication here is not that Hoagland’s measurement is wrong, rather the Photoshop measuring tool remains merciless in its accuracy.
I would later fine tune this specific measurement.
Even before I did so, I couldn’t help but wonder if Hoagland had created the 18.7 degree angle on purpose.
Could it be a coincidence 18.7 happens to be .8 degrees away from 19.5?
Is Hoagland perhaps trying to imply .865?
All one needs to know in order to understand the importance of this number is this:
e = 2.718
Pi = 3.142
Thus, e divided by pi = .865
If I’m right, he did a decent job illustrating his reference to what I have found to be every where in Cydonia.
I will explain what I mean shortly.
Next one sees two measurably different pentagons laid out on the same data.
Carlotto measurement.
Hoagland measurement.
Illustrated and rotated such that each are oriented in the same direction here are my own accurate representations the basic shapes Carlotto and Hoagland are implying.
Carlotto's shape.
Hoagland's shape.
Two distinct shapes?
This might be confusing to some of you.
It certainly was to me for a long time.
Until I put one on top of the other and measured the results.
Again, we see seamless fusion.
Carlotto's and Hoagland's shapes fuse together in geometric harmony.
It’s like a perfect major chord in music.
What I’ve just shown is the best anyone had done publicly with the geometry of Cydonia up until spring of 2005.
Enter Photoshop 7.0 & a nifty little tool that’s called: The Measuring Tool.
Bare in mind, even before I found Photoshop's tool, I was already printing out any data I could get my hands on and applying the geometry the old fashioned way… with a protractor and pencil.
Well… truth is, I had the advantage of my father’s professional drafting tables.
Even so, while I was achieving good success, there was definitely a healthy margin of error involved.
The measuring tool in Photoshop allows one to measure or generate vectors and angles with irrefutable accuracy.
What this means for the study of Cydonia is some of the finer points can be accurately verified given the proper data set.
Without the need for humongous print outs.
To be perfectly clear, the aforementioned researchers were using large, glossy, prints and measuring things the best way they knew how.
On a drafting table.
To illustrate the problems this poses, listen to what McDaniel has to say.
On page 113 he addresses the angle 4.7 degrees.
McDaniel claims the “tolerance for any measurements involving 4.7 is too small rendering them insignificant”.
McDaniel then makes it clear on page 114 that the researchers are working with a measuring tolerance of +/- .2 degrees.
In reality… it depends how good one is at it.
A poor workman blames his tools, right?
My dad was a master and I learned throughout my life from him.
My own experience tells me the precision one can squeeze out of Photoshop is virtually impossible to achieve on any mechanical drafting table.
That said, claiming a tolerance of +/-.2 with an actual tolerance of +/-.3 is insignificant.
In fact, it’s pretty darn good.
To give everyone an idea, the illustration below is what .2 degrees looks like.
It’s almost too small to illustrate.
I’ve cropped and magnified by 250% the vertex and separation in these two sections to aid one’s eye.
(~ 100 kb)
With Photoshop, precise measurement is possible down to .05 degrees making .2 degrees very manageable.
Or, as I later learned, one can simply type in a value and have the computer generate any angle automatically.
Suddenly accuracy is no longer an issue, but there are others.
Resolution is one, of course.
But then there is a problem in 3-D geometry called parallax. defines parallax as the apparent displacement of an observed object due to a change in the position of the observer.
Because of this simple fact, “serious” measurements remained independently unconfirmed for lack of what’s called orthographically rectified data.
From what I have been able to gather, orthorectification is a process (see appendix B) which corrects parallax.
The obvious way around this problem is to simply use an image snapped as near to 90 degrees overhead as possible.
To illustrate, here is a terrific terrestrial example of parallax.
We all know the apexes of these pyramids are not offset from the center of their bases!
The camera’s acquisition angle is distorting the true geometry.
Now try to imagine similar distortion on Cydonia data and one can begin to see a problem.
Here is a famous Carlotto enhancement of Cydonia.
It is truly an exaggerated example of parallax where one would never expect the geometry to work.
Actual measure versus ideal measure: 2.0 degree discrepancy.
That’s not bad for such a distorted data set considering ideal measurements should be taken from orthographically rectified data or an image acquired directly overhead.
So what about the original Viking data?
Does the model work?
Like Carlotto’s image from the previous image, the geometry fails to ‘lock’ in.
At one point along the way, I had an idea.
I decided to scan a copy of data purported to be ‘orthographically rectified’ from Hoagland's book to measure it.
‘Orthographically rectified’ data takes the 2.0 degree distortion out.
The white lines are provided by Hoagland.
I’ve provided the red 60 degree angle.
It’s a perfect fit.
Hoagland has said, “Through the eyes of the Face and through the City Square”.
The above scan and measuring experiment was a relief because I was already rolling pretty fast with my THEMIS measurements.
The first data set I ever worked with was a Keith Laney mosaic made from 2002 THEMIS data.
I was told at the time this data was acquired ‘virtually’ overhead and geometric distortion should be miniscule.
What you see here is good and I was excited by the result.
It wasn’t long before I started a thread called the Geometry of Cydonia in’s popular online forum to share my results.
I was also working among friends in the the Enterprise Mission's private forum and later in Keith Laney's Hidden Mission forum.
My efforts with the above data set eventually lead to this.
This is what I call a quick wrap up so I could move on to decidedly better data.
Sometime in July of 2005, there were suddenly new THEMIS data available.
What I learned from this first attempt at reconstructing the geometry of Cydonia was it seemed to ‘spin & dance’.
Not only that, quite literally, the geometry was everywhere.
When the apex of the D&M was locked in via the crucial 60 degree relationship, the rest just kept pouring out and reflecting itself everywhere.
Remarkably, even the angle .865 (= e/pi) was conspicuously everywhere.
Hence the banners sign.
Ha, ‘art’… I had no idea.
Sometime in July of 2005, a fellow named Gary from offered me this stunning mosaic to continue working on.
(~6 mb)
A mosaic is several strips of images painstakingly stitched together to make one big image.
It is not an easy task to perform.
This new data set was a major contribution to my effort.
Foreshadowing things to come, immediately noticeable, the lines on the newer data (left) correspond to the D&M a little tighter than they do on the older data (right).
Early on in my effort, something very important became obvious.
The presence of actual sights…to help one fine tune the set up.
The feature called the ‘Teardrop’ is actually a sight.
Not unlike the sight in the City Square.
Or the one positioned next to the Fort.
(File this in your short term memory. I’m going to come back to it)
This brings me back to this image and a statement I made about ‘fine tuning’ this specific Hoagland ‘sketch’.
What I’m about to show you takes the Photoshop measuring tool beyond it’s limit but not beyond the techniques I've developed for stretching those limits.
The geometric model calls for accuracy to within thousandths of a degree.
To refresh one’s memory, the actual value of e(2.718) divided by pi(3.142…) is, .865.
Stating a value this precise is beyond the capabilities of Photoshop.
However, just because the digital dial cannot read out or have numbers input which are smaller than .05, doesn’t mean thousandths (.001) are not perceptible through the actual measuring process and my technique for laying down these minute angles accurately.
The measurements I am about to illustrate are ultra-precise and truly remarkable.
(~3 mb)
In this first example above, notice I carried out the normally rounded tetrahedral angle, 19.5, an extra decimal place to it’s whole value, 19.47.
I do so with confidence because of the measuring tool and a reliable technique I developed for placing measured lines rather than dialing and dropping in specific lines.
In other words, what I’m about to illustrate can be carefully measured.
It cannot be ‘dialed’ or 'typed' in.
(~2 mb)
When I measure .865 degrees away from the D&M’s major axes, something obvious happens.
The sights become locking reinforcements to the entire framework of a much larger structure.
The sights do not accommodate only the major axis lines of the D&M shown in yellow.
Notice the City Square is perfectly dissected and ‘captured’.
Notice the Face’s human eye gets sliced in half followed by the green line on the far left ‘kissing’ the corner of the Face’s upper platform.
In case that doesn’t impress everyone…
… to the north, is what I call the long range ‘Super Sight’.
Simply observe where each measured line terminates.
Accuracy is a hallmark of intelligent design.
It is not unreasonable to assume sights and markers are ‘precisely’ what I’m dealing with here, but why?
All I can say at this point is...
Cydonia not only demonstrates an ability to be accurate it seems to insist the observer be accurate as well.
Utilizing this idea, I can make a scientific prediction.
In the new THEMIS data, I still do not have the Tholus in full view.
All I have is a section of it.
I can guess where the center of it is by inserting a red dot, but that would be a guess.
Enter Hoagland’s Tetrahedral Tholus model.
Hoagland notes quite accurately (I’m betting) that there used to be a tetrahedron on top of the Tholus.
I can accurately pinpoint where it is simply by applying the assumption that I am dealing with a pattern of sights.
(~2 mb)
In this image, the red dot represents specifically the apex of the the Tholus’ tetrahedron.
According to my prediction, the tetrahedron’s apex should be positioned somewhere along this green .865 line… If Hoagland’s tetrahedral Tholus conforms to the geometric pattern.
The pyramid on top of the Tholus should serve as another ‘fine tuning mechanism’ or sight..
Still… the dot hasn’t really been ‘anchored’ yet.
Here’s where the Fort began to reveal it's true nature, intention, and purpose.
When we (my friend Dave was present for this) found this precise 19.47 running from the tip of the Fort's nose, to the Tholus, to precisely the exact tip of the D&M...
(~2 mb)
... I began to see this monument for what it really is.
Not only does The Fort offer a precise method for locking in the Tholus’ apex, but this specific measurement seemed specifically in place to offer me perspective.
The Fort begins to reveal itself as another beautifully rendered face.
It has two curved eyes glancing diagonally towards the Face itself.
(If this image isn't flashing refresh the page)
It also has a very full head of hair and a very obvious, very sharp, nose.
The nose knows.
Remember that, because I need to talk about these sights some more.
Next is another stunning example of sights embedded in the landscape by the designers.
The northeast mound of the City Square exhibits the same geometry as the D&M.
Only this pyramid’s axis of symmetry points directly through an arrow emanating from the geometric mound on the far left.
(~ 250 kb)
Notice the faint arrow accented by a mound at it’s tip.
Exactly 60.0 degrees away from the arrow this next line just ‘slips’ into another sight situated against the City’s Main Pyramid.
As my father would have said, “this blue line slips in like butter.”
This occurrence is not at all unlike the Face/City Square/D&M relationship.
I shall soon measure then confirm or deny the supposition these things are truly sights.
So just in case you aren’t convinced yet, no worries, there’s more.
Lots more.
(~1.3 mb)
Nothing forced, nothing tweaked, both pentagons were measured and set up independent from the other.
The relationship measured here cannot be interpreted as anything but solid evidence of intentional design.
If not evidence, down right proof.
When I saw this result, I knew I was on to something.
Important people were telling me to keep going.
So… I did
One measurement at a time, things I had read about the geometry of Cydonia via Hoagland, et al, were completely, convincingly, resoundingly, confirmed along with some new found gems of my own.
The new THEMIS data is tight.
(~ 8mb)
The accuracy of my assumed n/s/e/w lines hadn’t even crossed my mind at this point let alone the fact none of the data given even specifies where north is!
Think about that.
Would knowing exactly where True North is on an image containing purported ruins of an ancient civilization matter?
Of course it would.
Obviously we orient our cities, our streets, our art, just about everything according to n/s/e/w.
Being able to measure and illustrate Cydonia not only exhibits a complicated geometric framework, but is also precisely aligned to Mars’ True North seems to be of monumental importance.
Where is north in this picture of the Gizamids?
Or how about this aerial view of Teotihuacan?
Obviously, north is given on the image of Giza.
Even without the little pointer, one could still determine a north line simply by looking at the orientation of the pyramids, parallax aside.
Simple observation and a little common knowledge about the geometry of the 'Gizamids' and a True North line becomes self evident.
The image of Teotihuacan is not so simple.
It has been purported that Teotihuacán is offset from True North by a perfect 15.25 degrees (another tetrahedral angle).
Well, we can test that claim too.
It so happens this image is already oriented north up as is customary.
All I have to do is drop in a vertical line, copy it, rotate the copy 15.25 degrees and presto.
“Magic” as Paul used to say.
The line conforms extremely well to what is seen.
And this data isn’t even ‘orthorectified’ as one can see by looking carefully at the pyramids' apexes.
Be that as it may, keep going is all one can do when the answers he seeks are not in the back of the text book.
So I turned my attention back to the Face itself.
This MSSS image is taken virtually 90 degrees overhead so theoretically the geometry should not be too distorted.
I started to ponder how I might apply what I had learned from the landscape’s geometry.
There was something bothering me from the very beginning about this image.
Long before I discovered Photoshop's measuring tool, I had tried measuring this image.
Even rudimentary measuring methods on a regular piece of printed paper made the following problem obvious.
If this image is presumably oriented with True North pointing straight up as is customary, a measured line 33.3 degrees off vertical ought to correspond and help illustrate the Face’s purposeful orientation.
Not even close.
Well… this time around facing the same problem I knew more than I did before.
For one thing, I had good reason to assume The Face is framed by 33.3 in all four directions, just like Carlotto had suggested.
Also noteworthy is this circle positioned on the center of The Face.
It seems reasonable to assume it’s there for a reason.
Maybe it designates the exact center of the face.
Carlotto seems to think so.
He illustrates that here by applying some geometry to an image he published and claims he orthographically rectified utilizing MSSS 2001 MGS data.
I soon began to notice monuments throughout Cydonia are aligned with not only Hoagland’s 22.5 and Carlotto’s 33.3, but with my assumed n/s/e/w lines as well.
The geometry seemed to be spinning 360 degrees.
(The above image is old work from 2005. I was just beginning to learn how to use Photoshop. Two of the white lines should be red.)
So what do I really have to work with here assuming the Face is somehow aligned on a 360 degree system?
How does one orient the Face accurately?
That’s when I started to notice there is one very straight line.
Let’s see what happens if I just trace it.
It seemed natural to start the line at the point of the crescent ‘hill’ and drag it out through the very tip of the lion’s ear.
Doing this reminded me of the City Square’s pyramid and how I set it up.
In other words, the crescent mound is another sight.
At this point, I should note there is very little geometric discrepancy between the supposedly unaltered MSSS 2001 MGS image and Carlotto's orthorectified version.
The only difference is Carlotto's version is extremely compressed.
When oriented utilizing the method described above, a composite of the two images makes the severe compression of Carlotto's image evident.
(If this image isn't moving, refresh the page)
When I compared the two images all those years ago and saw there was no significant difference in the overall alignment of the base, I disregarded Carlotto's image and started using the MSSS version instead.
Both versions seemed to match the measurements I had done on THEMIS data.
And well they should because if one simply decompresses Carlotto's image, one can clearly see the change in geometry is miniscule.
(If this image isn't moving, refresh the page)
Regardless, once I had that "one straight line" and many more, believe me… A mess on my hands I had, albeit an accurate mess.
When I look at this, I’m almost embarrassed!
But I’m not.
What I see when I look at this years later is… my father.
I posted this image on a web page around 1:00 on Sunday afternoon, August 14, 2005.
No sooner, I received a knock at the door.
Amazing, the purpose and meaning one can find in the midst of emotional trauma.
It turns out it was time to let go of my father’s influence, the mechanical side of me, and begin to draw on on my mother’s influence… my artistic side.
Start thinking… differently.
Change my perspective.
This is geometric art.
Art revealed through a mirror.
After I cleaned up my ‘mess’, I realized I could reduce the geometry of the Face through the most obvious means available.
The result is simply a cross.
At the time, I thought this was rather elegant and I was more than intrigued by the implication this geometry represents.
I will come back to this implication, though.
Something else about this setup amplifies a crucial aspect about the geometry implied by the Face.
With the cross in place something else becomes obvious.
Notice the top and bottom of the Face are not perfectly circular.
Rather they are curved like a wave.
A wave is a spinning system in linear form.
And don’t forget there is literally a circle in the exact center of the Face that just happened to 'latch' on to all of my measured lines.
I seriously can’t remember what day it was, but talk about a defining moment.
A familiar voice inside my head kept saying, “Do the mirrors! Do the mirrors!”
I mean, if that circle really means something, then maybe….
We are not alone.
It continues to be my hope this reality will inspire humanity to realize it’s true potential and opportunity.
When I did the first north mirror, I stood up so fast the chair flew across the room.
I knew what it was immediately.
A sphinx…
Not just on one side of north, but both.
Two sphinxes.
And a Mayan mask on 22.5.
Upon careful examination, these and the rest of the reflections are loaded with meaningful symbolic nuances.
It would be some time before I decoded the important message they were trying to convey.
Suffice it to say for now, the genius who designed this monument was… experienced.
Sadly, the reality such a magnificent truth has been purposefully hidden from the world will have to be dealt with.
Some tough questions will need to be answered.
Like why the Face was rotated 12.1 degrees off Cydonia North when it is customary to orient images with North pointing straight up.
Measurably, THEMIS rotates their images precisely 2.35 degrees off Cydonia’s north line.
It can’t be a coincidence.
2.35 degrees is exactly half of 4.7.
For more on the details regarding the failed geometry test shown above, click here.
Still, there’s more.
Someone will have to answer for the Fort’s coded disorientation too.
Yep... MSSS strikes again.
The question leading me to discover this truth confused the heck out of me.
Before I share and explain that question and answer, I need to illustrate how precisely and intricately connected the Fort really is to the entire Cydonia complex.
The devil is in the details… isn’t it?
The nose knows.
The Fort has already demonstrated a very watchful eye.
Recall this ultra accurate 19.47 Fort/Tholus/D&M check point.
(~2 mb)
Just like the Face…
The Fort has circle of its own.
A big, fat, juicy one.
And a ‘sight’ of its own.
This sight, I learned, is in place to give us this.
(~1 mb)
Above is an elegant example of another not so subtle geometric ‘check point’ of Cydonia.
I’m sure my father would have said, “it barely kisses the corner.”
But hang on, because it doesn’t stop there.
This incredible monument then comes over the top with these.
The ultimate long range and artistic ‘check points’.
The Fort’s circle is BIG for a reason.
The Fort makes us work hard to discover its secrets because it is guarding someone and some thing.
Reserved only for appropriate occasions, Paul would agree what you are about to see is clearly a...
Bulls eye.
(Color image source: THEMIS)
Watch the reflections.
First, a fierce and impressive looking Dragon.
One can now begin to appreciate the true nature of this innocent looking feature we should no longer be calling “The Fort”.
Might this second reflection be The Fort's crowned King?
His face looks like the Sun, doesn’t it?
Perhaps a reference to a familiar Egyptian sun god.
At the moment, this is speculation to be sure, but the reality of what’s going on here cannot be rationally denied.
To borrow a catch phrase from a good friend, Robert, “the brutal truth” of it is, all this…
… is specifically designed…
… to lead any careful observer to discover reflections like these...
... and these just to show a few.
I remain forever humble in this new light.
One thing needs to be said, though.
The supposition the Cydonia landforms are naturally occurring features is no longer tenable for any reasonable person.
But in case there’s one or two out there who STILL refuse to give in to the truth about Cydonia...
Read on.
There’s light up ahead.
I feel compelled to bring up the subject of dating the Cydonia complex.
As far as age goes, I was always of the opinion we should talk about it on the way towards actually digging at Cydonia.
I just assumed the monuments were ancient ruins like everyone else.
Truth be known, even though I admittedly don't fully comprehend how he arrived at these numbers, I always preferred Carlotto’s speculated dates of 33,000 or 120,000 years old for the possible ‘quick’ connections to our own pyramids on Earth.
His supposition has something to do with the Cydonia complex being offset from Mars' axis of True North, similar to the 15.25 degrees at Teotihuacán.
The only other option out there which seemed reasonable to me was Hoagland’s guess.
His guess is 500, 000 years old.
He deduces this through assuming an ideal vantage point for watching the Sun and the Earth rise out of the Face’s mouth on the summer solstice, one after the other, would be in the exact center of the City Square.
So, the next logical step is to draw that line, measure it from north, (which we can assume he had to within +/-.3 degrees) and plug the numbers into a program like Redshift.
He can soon have an accurate numerical value.
The cultural supposition leading to the numbers is still a guess without supporting evidence.
Here is my illustration of Hoagland’s scenario.
(~400 kb)
So, you see, all I knew was what other people were guessing.
So why not try floating a guess of my own?
Seeing what I was seeing, I just couldn’t stomach 500,000 years old.
The Face and all the rest seemed to be in perfect focus and in tact when reflected properly.
I didn’t care how ‘big’ these monuments are.
Could the results be any better?
This train of thought led me back to this intriguing geometry and symbolism.
Recall the Face’s most basic alignment is a cross.
The reason I found this symbol so intriguing is because it implies a Trinity.
When I first realized what was going on in Cydonia, I thought it obvious and saw absolutely nothing wrong with turning the above 33.3 reflection upside down and seeing it for what it looks like.
It simply looks like a stereotypical gray alien.
To support this idea, where is the mouth of the Face supposed to be and what do we actually see on the human/western side?
Every good artist knows about the golden ratio, a.k.a. Phi = 1.616.
Facial features follow a mathematical proportion.
Stretching or compressing any face makes no measurable difference what so ever to the ratios between the features.
They will always remain 1.616 according to Phi.
Phi abounds Cydonia.
So why is there no discernable reference to a mouth on the human side of the Face?
What’s going on here?
The only thing I can think of is more fusion.
Perhaps, just like the geometric symbolism implies, The Face on Mars is actually a Trinity.
Now, that’s a face…
(Image source: MSSS)
As one can clearly see, this face follows Phi to a 'T'.
These measurements reinforce the notion of a Trinity on The Face because on this face, the geometry of Phi actually conforms as one would expect.
That said, this is without a doubt one of the most impressive faces of Cydonia.
This reflection, found on the City’s massive Main Pyramid, has been named Enki or the 'Admiral' by his discoverers, Saunders and Haas. (link to their new website)
I would later learn their interpretation of who this face represents is simply wrong.
To their credit though, I’ve managed to verify most of the reflections presented in their book, The Cydonia Codex.
I think if they ever bother to apply any geometry to their few discoveries they might actually ‘get it’.
As of this writing though, Haas remains adamant that he doesn't need geometry to prove his case.
As you will see by the information in this paper and the papers to follow, nothing could be further from the truth.
One of Hoagland’s favorite catch phrases is,
“Rotation, rotation, rotation”.
Similarly, my father and I had one of our own,
“Perspective, perspective, perspective”.
We were acutely aware of how critically important it is for one to maintain perspective.
When I was writing the original version of Truth & Light I was optimistic about my trinity observation.
In this paper and the ones that follow, through other important geometric relationships and obvious symbolism, I will continue to prove it is so.
What remains unclear to me is the actual age of the Cydonia complex.
Just because the Face is a Trinity and incorporates an iconic gray alien, does not necessarily mean The Face has been created recently.
Rather than answer the dating question the recognition of a Trinity seems to open a gamut of possibilities.
At any rate, for now, consider these ideas floated.
So by now you’re probably thinking, “An artificial Face that has been recently constructed? That’s a pretty big pill, Max.”
Ok, so perhaps you prefer a smaller pill.
What about a Cydonia in ruin but a little bit younger than Carlotto suggests?
What about 10,500 years?
There is overwhelming evidence the Giazmids and Great Sphinx predate the great flood fabled in most cultures.
If proven to be true, maybe mainstream science could begin tidying up this cache of serious underwater anomalies which have accumulated in the past 50 years.
In case the Bimini Road doesn’t impress you…
What’s been found off the coast of Yonaguni, Japan should.
Be that as it may, from the moment I found what was hidden on The Face through the 8 months leading up to the online conversation about to take place I felt pretty good about my guess Cydonia might be in tact.
After all, I’ve done my share of homework on the UFO phenomena too.
If Gray aliens are currently buzzing around our solar system, why couldn't they have recently constructed Cydonia?
Heck… I was on my own.
A one man team with nothing to lose.
My dad usually looked at my work, whatever kind of work it was, and we would discuss it.
I hate making excuses, so I’ll try to make this long story short.
You see, I misled myself to believe the geometry I laid out to this point did not match the geometry of what are known as ‘blockies’.
My logic was this: If Mars had another north line at some point in it’s history, the ‘blockies’ could be related to that line instead.
This would mean the monuments above ground were at the very least more recent than what is below ground.
Obviously, I had much to learn.
I’m not afraid to try, so…
Let me tell you about these ruined building foundations under the sands of Cydonia nicknamed, ‘blockies’.
Cydonia advocates claim the ‘blockies’ are legitimate signatures of ruined artificial structures radiating from beneath the sands of Mars.
Controversy aside, it suffices to say…
If these ‘blockies’ are really ruins, they ought to conform to the geometry as accurately as the rest.
So I tested that assumption.
Notice how the ‘blockies’ conform to a vertical line.
Once again, no north line information is given with the data set.
Here’s where the sight on the side of the Fort becomes critical once more.
The white 33.3 line is dropped directly off vertical.
Notice the line simply does not correspond to the Fort’s eastern wall when placed in the sight’s slot.
There is an obvious gap when compared to my map work shown on the right.
When I first saw this, I didn’t tell anybody.
I thought to myself, “Yuck, that stinks. I’ll come back to it.”.
I wasn’t sure how to make one white line match the other… accurately… without the other major land marks to help me.
I let the problem go and forgot about it for a while.
During a much anticipated online conversation with Hoagland, he mentions that the geometry of the ‘blockies’ is endemic to the geometry above ground.
As soon as he said that I thought to myself, "Endemic? How did you determine that?"
Then it hit me… suddenly, under the mild pressure of knowing the 'Professor' was watching.
I realized everything I needed was right in front of me.
It so happens, according to my geometry map, a north line placed on The Fort’s circle crosses through the circle on the ground.
Notice on the blue composite image, it does not.
Because of these reference points, it is possible to accurately measure the discrepancy between the two images.
The discrepancy is exactly +10.5 degrees.
The problem of the gap is resolved.
Now let's have a look at MSSS data.
The discrepancy here... +4.7 degrees.
How irritating.
Not to mention confusing.
So what have I learned?
I have learned the geometry of the 'blockies' in the IR image compared to the geometry of the monuments above ground is in fact measurably endemic.
Not only that, the ‘blockies’ are organized along the same line as the D&M’s major axis of symmetry.
What I don’t know is why I have three potential north lines.
Well, two really...
"Cydonia North" & "Blockie North".
If I consider the multiple ways NASA presents Cydonia data, I could probably count 6 or 7 choices.
Understanding that, I now know why MSSS published their Face image disoriented 12.1 degrees off "Cydonia North".
They did so because they couldn't resist publishing data according to code, of course.
It’s so simple… 12.1 – 10.5 = 1.6
Or, Phi.
What was painfully obvious to me as I typed these words was I still didn’t know where Mars’ True North line was.
In the middle of writing this in January of 2007, it came to me.
Apparently there was a reason I began my presentation with this image of Io.
I suddenly realized and thought to myself, “I’ll bet Hoagland knows which line is True North.”
“I’ll bet he figured it out via the shadows.”
I finally remembered....
There is literally truth in the light.
Mars facts and figures reveal Mars’ axial tilt is precisely 25.19 degrees.
Through careful measurement it is possible to conclusively prove Cydonia is aligned to Mars’ True North via one very meaningful and very redundant geometric...
(~2 mb)
... and symbolic framework.
If one applies this geometry and symbolism the message of Cydonia reveals, identifies, and reinforces itself over and over until the message becomes self evident.
Knowing Mars is tilted on its axis and by exactly how much means we can predict precisely where shadows will fall.
Because of The Face's unique shape and design compared to the rest of the monuments at Cydonia, the only way to verify whether or not the Cydonia complex is in fact aligned accurately to True North is literally through the Face on Mars.
What also begins to reveal itself as important here is vertical.
Vertical represents me and you.
We each have the power to create a vertical line and find our own way when we are lost.
The light will never mislead us because there is literally truth in the light.
Consequently, so long as one is aware, this universal truth can never be hidden.
Our power to create vertical coupled with the light and the shadows it creates provides the means of performing an inescapable geometric proof.
To illustrate and prove a critical point, if Cydonia's geometric framework is aligned to Mars' True North, a 25.19 line dropped in off of one of the following two vertical lines must conform to the shadow cast on The Face.
The image on the left is the control image and if that image conforms to the shadow, the test fails.
The middle image is rotated such that "Cydonia North" is vertical.
The image on the right is rotated such that "Blockie North" (the D&M's major axis of symmetry) is vertical.
(~7 mb)
Will Mars’ True North please…
North image)
North image)
Yes, this is geometric proof that the ‘Blockies’ are in fact aligned to Mars’ True North.
(~800 kb)
It was at this point that I became emotionally and intellectually overwhelmed.
Admittedly, the ending of my original Truth & Light presentation became somewhat incoherent and disorganized.
Certain reflections, like these, were suddenly making perfect sense.
If the Face represents grays and humans...
... then obviously, the Lion represents the Light of God or the Creator and we see his two children below him and by his side.
Both are equal in his eyes and both are of the same light.
The words “made in his image” continue to echo in my head whenever I think about this.
If I'm right, and the Lion does represent the Light of God, this could be why we have yet to to see an image of Cydonia lit from the East.
Save, of course, this very telling pre-dawn Mars Odyssey image.
If my symbolic interpretation is correct, then, in all likelihood, Hoagland is also correct in his hypothesis that the eastern side of the Face (and other monuments of Cydonia) are made of a highly reflective material such as glass.
If we're right and the Face is imaged with Sunlight from the east, the brilliant reflectivity will prove to be an astonishing reinforcement of the unfolding symbolism.
Time will tell.
I also realized the following...
Had Cydonia been presented True North up, there would have been no self correcting or re-aligning mechanism to make me leap from these two reflections off True North…
... to these reflections of Sphinxes found off Cydonia North.
Finding these two stunning reflections FIRST provided a stimulus for more experimentation.
(If this image isn't moving, refresh the page)
Had it not been for Hoagland and this testable True North assumption...
... I would have never found those first two sphinxes hidden on the Face.
Nor would I have found them if I only had THEMIS or MSSS data to go by.
What Hoagland did by publishing the above graphic was deliberately impose a situation or metaphor symbolizing confusion upon anyone who chose to test or challenge his assumption.
The above graphic sets that person up to find the hidden sphinxes.
Hoagland knew full well that the assumption the hidden sphinxes are situated on Mars' True North line would eventually have to be proven right or wrong by turning to the light.
Believing Cydonia’s spinning network of reflective art is aligned to what I call "Cydonia North" seems to be a pre-requisite to revealing Cydonia’s primary message.
The only conceivable way to determine the truth (True North) is by the light cast upon the Face on Mars.
Upon realizing this, one discovers unequivocally through a geometric proof that truth literally runs through The Face on Mars.
(~1 mb)
In other words, the Face on Mars doesn’t just mean something.
It means everything.
It is…
“The way, the truth and the light.”
And that astonishing revelation reinforces itself through the symbolism of the cross.
A more profound revelation there could not be.
In time, however, plenty more revelations would come and they would rank pretty darn close.
The next revelation I had was regarding the age of Cydonia.
Unfortunately, it did not answer the question.
All it did was provide another important data point to consider.
Let's return to Hoagland’s method of dating.
He assumes that the center of the City Square was some kind of social gathering place where on a specific day at a specific time one could go and watch the Sun and the Earth rise out of the Face’s mouth.
(~500 kb)
The exact center of the City Square, as far as I can tell, is not pinpointed by any meaningful geometry I have uncovered thus far.
What has been pinpointed is a strong beacon in the City Square Pyramid.
Given the size of the City Square pyramid and resolution of the data coupled with its precise geometric relationship to the D&M pyramid, I think it is fair to consider it may be a fusion of shapes just like the D&M.
If one extends the shape as per the Torun 85.3 model, this is where the ray extends.
(~700 kb)
It runs virtually tangent to the top of the Face’s head.
Watch what happens if one applies some fusion to the geometry.
Superimposing the fused D&M model reveals a ray extending directly through the Face’s mouth or eyes as it were.
(~2 mb)
Is this beginning to sound like Hoagland’s model slightly modified?
What if we modified it for accuracy?
Because now we have a geometric reason to back up a perfectly sound supposition.
A gathering place at the base of this pyramid can reveal a time of conception for mankind as Hoagland suggests, but we can now add something to this supposition.
Maybe ground truth examination of the inside of this remarkable pyramid will reveal a precise target for the light of some distant star to find as it rises above the eyes of their Face.
Who knows…
... Perhaps some day we will discover upon entering the City Square’s pyramid there are star shafts just like the ones in the Great Pyramid of Giza waiting to reveal their precise intentions upon excavation.
Wouldn’t it be educational to learn the following reflection found precisely on this tetrahedral line…
… is really a winged ship signifying their arrival.
Light from their home star symbolically reflecting through a star shaft onto another axis within the pyramid reflecting a symbol of their flight… their journey.
It seems reasonable to assume.
As time passed, I thought about it.
It turns out, I was partially wrong.
On May 5, 2009, while I was sitting on a seat where most important inspirations are born, the commode, it dawned on me.
I had overlooked a critical connection relating to this specific and precise 26.0 degree measurement.
(~500 kb)
22.5 / 26 = .865 = e/pi
This measurement makes perfect sense to me now and effectively pinpoints the exact center of the ‘City Square’ with meaningful and precise geometric significance.
It also lends an incredible amount of weight to Hoagland’s hypothesis for dating Cydonia.
The celestial event of the Sun and Earth rising out of The Face's mouth on Mars' summer solstice may indeed hold the key.
Unfortunately, this revelation does not change the fact that I don't have the software or expertise to figure out when this event might have actually occurred.
My question and ideas about the age of Cydonia remain in limbo.
The 'ship' presented above still remains firmly attached to the City Square’s NE Pyramid and my theory about a point of origin for the Grays still holds a great deal of water.
So, you see... I was partially wrong.
Luckily there are still many questions which will only be answerable through a concerted effort along with boots on the ground and hands on human excavation.
Regarding the mysterious absence of north and proven distortion of it, the question is, I suppose, who knew?
Realizing that north was missing from all this data, save Hoagland's graphic, reminds me of Morgan Freeman in Shawshank Redemption.
As Red reveals Andy’s plan he says, “I simply hadn’t noticed. I mean, seriously. How often do you look at a man’s shoes”.
How often do we check to see if north is given?
Nice try, Malin.
You’re busted in the sewage pipe before you could make your escape.
What I do know for certain is orienting a satellite image according to n/s/e/w is certainly a high tech affair, but it is also routine.
Malin’s antics are deliberate, inexcusable, and historically go much deeper than simply disorienting satellite images.
Malin knew, folks.
Make no mistake.
He was disorienting all his images by geometric code using a different value every time to make it as difficult as possible to find secrets like this…
Or this...
In time, I would learn Malin’s actions were far more insidious than I believed when I wrote my original Truth & Light presentation.
While I have yet to explain the meaning behind these images, rest assured I do in the papers that follow.
I also learn that I've made a few significant mistakes in this paper.
I've intentionally left them in.
These mistakes prevented me from understanding a few critical connections to Earth's ancient history and the basic principals of a new physics model underpinning Cydonia.
As I intimated at the beginning of this presentation, this new physics offers a detailed explanation as to why every active planet in our solar system is warming.
According to Cydonia, it has nothing to do with carbon dioxide.
In conclusion, I'm satisfied at this point that I've proven my original thesis statement which was:
Accuracy and precision are hallmarks of intelligent design.
We should expect them from the Cydonia complex.
Based on this assumption, I set out to prove Cydonia is in fact artificial.
Subsequently, through the geometry, I have discovered a complicated matrix of incredible reflections that will prove to hold a great deal of technical significance and connection to Earth's ancient history.
Furthermore, I have been reminded there is literally...
Truth in the Light.
Welcome to the truth.
Welcome to the light.
We are not alone.