Cydonia's Universal Symbolism

(A continuation of The Dragon)

(Page updated 07/31/09)

(Page updated 08/01/09)

(Page updated 08/05/09)

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***(Posted 07/30/09)***


I was thinking about how I've now assigned 3 of the 4 major pyramids in Cydonia to 3 of the 4 major Gods.

Which leaves me with one more major pyramid and one more major God.

The only major Pyramid and God left...

The City's 'Main Pyramid' and Isis.


Which got me thinking about what supporting evidence exists, aside from process of elimination, to solidify this Pyramid/God assignment.

Number one, I have this "Conception of Horus" reflection.


Number two, I have this specific and precise geometric connection leading from the, according to the above reflection, 'unborn' Horus...

... straight to this 'under-developed' reflection residing in the City's 'Main Pyramid'.

Which, through the geometry, spins, grows, and develops into this fully matured reflection.

All variations of this reflection display a third crucial piece of evidence.

A Heart shaped breast plate which is another obvious reference to Isis.


But what's with that monkey's face? 

And the fused faces just above him.

I've been pondering this monkey for days now.

Then it hit me like a freight train.

Something I wrote in The Enterprise Mission's private forum gave me a jolt.

I wrote to my good friend Len, who goes by the screen name Zen on Mars, that, "we all have our part to play". 

The context of my words is irrelevant to the point I'm making, because as soon as I posted those words, I realized...

Zen's part was to introduce me to...

Hanuman Ji.

(Above & below images, taken from this website)

Had it not been for Len, I would never in a million years have been able to make this astonishing connection.

Thank you, Len... I love you, brother. :-)

Which leads to the inescapable conclusion that this pyramid or house...

... belongs exclusively to Isis and her many incarnations spanning the many beautiful cultures of our world.

It is within her house she gives birth to and nurtures her son who has now fused and become inexorably linked to ancient Indian tradition and mythology.

From my preliminary research I've learned Hanuman, like Horus, also goes to battle with an Evil Lord.

But Hanuman does not go it alone.

He brings with him an army.

An army represented by the faces above him.


The story becomes heavily reinforced by this reflection as well.

(This reflection originally discovered by George Haas & William Saunders)


A slightly lesser resolved image, but inclusive of the whole Fort.

Which leaves my head spinning at how complicated, deep and profoundly meaningful Cydonia truly is.


There is plenty more but I really want to share another great reflection that relates to the story of Set and Osiris.

The way Set goes about murdering Osiris is through deception.

He constructs a very ornate and beautiful coffin specifically tailored to Osiris' size.

Set then holds a banquet where he brings out this beautiful coffin and offers it as a prize to whoever fits inside the best.

The pure Osiris, who has no evil inside of him, suspects nothing.

When his turn comes and he gets into the coffin, his fate is literally sealed.

Set and his friends slam the lid on the coffin, catch Osiris inside, and seal the lid with molten lead.

This glyph doesn't just represent a piece of Osiris, it represents his coffin

In this reflection one sees Set preparing the coffin.


Followed by this reflection revealing Set's successful trapping of Osiris.



***(Posted: 07/31/09)***

Understanding the significance of the glyphs in the above reflection...

 ... renders the meaning of this reflection readily apparent.


Here's an amazing fusion of Horus and Hanuman Ji taking over the throne of Ra. 


Here's a link to the full reflection.

It includes another reference to Set and Horus.

Looking through a book on Ancient Egypt, I admit freely that my mother, Kerstin, made this connection.

In this section of the reflection, we see Set wishing death upon Horus because of his forced subordination to Horus by Ra.

Set's wish for Horus' death transforms Horus into a 'golden fly'.

A symbol commonly associated with death in ancient Egypt.



So, what about The Key?

The Key also clearly defines itself.... as Set.

It's as if he is showing off for Ra... Trying to show Ra why he deserves his throne.

Set reveals his desire to be King through 4 different alignments which pass through the "center stage" of Cydonia.

But as we will see in this first reflection, it is just wishful thinking.

(I will create animated .gifs for these. It's a lot of work,  though. So for now, I just want to get them posted)


Set the wishful King demonstrates connectivity to himself in the City.

As well, he demonstrates his disconnect from the House of Ra in the upper half of this reflection.

There is a crown, but it is over nothing.

A literal hole where Set wishes to be.


Set the wishful King competes with Horus in the lower half of the image.

An interesting animal hovers directly above him.


Set the wishful King connects himself to and begins to participate on Cydonia's "center stage" through The Fort.

He begins assembling Osiris' coffin.


Here things begin to come together as Set the wishful King firmly connects to The Fort.

He continues to assemble Osiris' coffin.

There is an interesting reflection at the very top of this reflection.

 Which brings me to an amazing reflection.

In the next reflection we see Set's cohorts gathering on The Key. 

They are preparing to spring Set's trap upon Osiris.

In this full context reflection, we see Osiris getting into the coffin in the midst of a very 'busy' scene.... 

Set's party.

The end of the party, of course, is represented by a reflection I've already presented.

So as we can see, this 'King' isn't very powerful at all.

He is the representation of Set's desire to be King.


Where this 'wanna be' King is eventually bestowed power is over Lower Egypt or, symbolically, the Underworld.

His strength and power is represented by these reflections.


While the long range reflections reveal Set the Animal as a Crowned King of the Underworld, far, far, away from Cydonia's "center stage".


To wrap up for the day, I want to address my favorite reflection from The Key.

I now easily interpret this reflections as Set's desire to be in Horus' place as supreme ruler.

Set wants to be the light.

But he is not the light.

He is the dark one.

And, as I illustrated in The Key, this reflection leads directly to the House of Horus.

This is an attempt by Set to take over Horus' House.

Horus thwarts this attempt by using his large face to block Set's approach.

Within Horus' house we can see a very determined and powerful look on Horus' face.

There is also a glyph in the middle which is too poorly resolved to make out, but it is a part of The Platform, Isis, and appears to be another heart.

So, in this reflection, Horus defeats Set's attempt to overtake the House of Horus. 

I see no other alternative than to assign another major glyph, The Key, to Set.


***(Posted: 08/01/09)***


Lying within the City are two major glyphs I've yet to assign.


I've already assigned the one on the left during Truth & Light, but there's more to add.

Before I do, I want to talk about the glyph on the right.

While putting all of this together, I've been suspecting it represents the head of Osiris.

I became convinced this morning when I began to focus on it and discovered this fantastic reflection.


Which means I can now add that this is Osiris' severed head decidedly in Set's possession.


 Which makes a reflection I posted yesterday mean Set the wishful King is making a run for Ra's throne now that Osiris is dead and he is in possession of Osiris The Bull's head.


Cropped from the above, this specific reflection of a lion/cat really makes me raise my eyebrows.

From the beginning, 4 years ago, I've been noticing many other similar reflections in the 'sand'.

I've stated in the past that I believe Cydonia appears to have been created on top of the ruins (termed 'Blockies') we see beneath the sand.

I said a long time ago the construct of Cydonia seems to be "Crop Circle-esque". 

What I mean by this is, it's as if these monuments were 'whipped up' as effortlessly as the Crop Circles are here on Earth.

I don't want to digress too far here.

I just thought the above reflection offered a terrific example illustrating why I believe what I do. :-)

Moving on...


The final major glyph in The City.

While I've not yet assigned this feature to any specific God,  I did discuss it during Truth & Light and theorized it is... 

... their...

... ship.

I make this connection through the geometry implied by the City Square's North East Pyramid and it's connection to The Face.

(The connection is represented by the black line.)

Within the context of this unfolding and epic story, the reality of this reflection becomes conspicuously reinforced.


It seems as though the conflict between the Gods did not start until they arrived here.


Before I wrap up for the day, here's another blatant attempt by Set the wishful King to gain access to the House of Ra.



***(Posted 08/05/09)***


Today I'm going to talk about this glyph and the "Ruined Tetrahedron" located beneath it.


Before I get to the major glyph, I need to discuss the "Ruined Tetrahedron" and the symbolism revealed through it's precise geometric relationship to Set and The Face.

I go into detail and discover during Splitting Hairs that the western buttress of this tetrahedron passes exactly through the circle on The Face.

I also illustrate during Splitting Hairs that the apex of this tetrahedron is defined by:

1) A line that is 19.47 degrees away from a measurably significant yet seemingly detached line of  the regular geometry implied by the D&M (shown above).

2)  A very specific and powerful reflection I present in The Key  as well as on  this page.

When I started talking about this reflection within the context of the symbolism, a light bulb flashed on over my head.

I wrote: 

"This is an attempt by Set to take over Horus' House.

Horus thwarts this attempt by using his large face to block Set's approach."

I instantly realized that through this "Ruined Tetrahedron" Set finds a back door.

At precisely 9 degrees away from True North, Set enters The Face and the legendary battle between Set and Horus begins.

Set on the left, Horus on the right.


      On the left is Set.                                             On the right is Horus. 

As the legend goes, Set manages to cut out Horus' eye while Horus castrates Set.

This trade off is demonstrated by one of two key geometric 'energy transfer' lines, notated below in black.


As the struggle begins, we see Set The Lion splitting open.

He his being ripped apart by another representation of the light...

The Buddha.


The emergence of Buddha sets this sequence of the battle between light and dark in motion.



At the end we see Horus flip himself over, reveal he has possession of Set's testicles, and declare he is the son of Isis and Osiris.

Some legends state that Horus was about to destroy Set, but Isis intervened.

That story is told in the vicinity of these two reflections and their long range counterparts.

 The actual intervention of Isis occurs through the second line of "energy transfer".


  Set is on the left.                                                 Horus is on the right

How do I know which is which?

Well, The Face is literally "a trick of light and shadow".

And... as the legend goes, Set and Horus balance each other perfectly.

Who ever constructed The Face has utilized light and shadow to represent Horus and Set respectively. 

Images utilizing more light represent Horus.

Images utilizing more shadow represent Set.

Images that are equal in light and shadow, represent both... PLUS ONE.

Of course.

Because light will always triumph over darkness.



Consequently, darkness can never be destroyed which is exactly what would happen if a third trinity was permitted to occur.

This part of reality is conveyed through the story by Isis, mother of Horus and sister of Set.

Before Isis intervenes, she appears above two reflections that are bathed equally in light and shadow.

Because this reflection is bathed equally in light and shadow, so too must be it's counterpart.

Because of their perfect balance, each image represents both Horus & Set.

According the pattern, we should expect to see a third trinity which would totally destroy Set.

Isis does not allow that to happen.

She looks in on the battle and realizes both combatants are her blood.

Despite Set's wicked deeds, Isis still unconditionally loves her brother, Set, and wishes mercy for him.

This image, while not yet quite in focus, reveals a startling image.

The Mayan mask taking shape features a bat which further develops the web of connectivity between the many cultures of our world.

The bat is a very Native American and South American symbol.

 According to certain Native American cultures, the sacred bat has (Link) "the ability to see through illusion or ambiguity and dive straight to the truth of matters.

The author of the linked website goes on to write, "The bat is a symbol of rebirth and depth because it is a creature that lives in the belly of the Mother Earth. 

From the womb-like caves it emerges every evening at dusk. And so - from the womb it is reborn every evening."

According to South American cultures and traditions, the bat takes on the meaning of darkness and death.

So, while this bat symbolism carries with it the traits of both Set and Horus, the next reflection in the sequence is decidedly bathed in light meaning  it unequivocally represents Horus.

Had it not been been for the intervention of Isis on behalf of her brother, Set would have surely perished at the hands of Horus The Warrior.

So it is we see in the following magnificent reflection the intervention of Isis.

She is also in the form of a bat, hovering above her Son, Horus, who has become very focused and vengeful looking.

What Isis has done is broken the third trinity by... again, as the legend goes... injuring Horus and then healing him.


In other words, as soon as this reflection passes this point...

... the image takes on more shadow and becomes Set.

 Because of the unconditional loving act of Isis' intervention, Set is permitted to spin past Horus without incident and morph back into the 'dark' Sphinx.


Notice he has regained control of his testicles.

If, in an effort to avoid running into Horus The Warrior, Set tries an end run around, he will eventually run into his castrated, nearly defeated, self.

Or... Horus The Lion.



The only way to escape this seemingly endless battle is through this 19.5 'upwelling'.

According to legend, the Gods, irritated by Horus' and Set's perpetual battle, demand resolution.

Set and Horus agree on a means of settling their dispute for supremacy.

They decide on a boat race.

They carry out their contest upon the same glyph through which their conflict began.


It is said that Horus ultimately wins this race because Set's boat is made of stone.

Horus' boat appears to be made of stone, but is actually made of wood.

Having learned from The Face we can apply the lesson to this glyph and understand it represents both Horus and Set through the balancing of light and shadow.

 Then, knowing the ancient symbol for a boat is simply this...

... we find Set beginning to construct his boat of stone.


On the flip side we see Horus constructing his boat of wood while Set looks on believing it is really made of stone.


When their boats are complete, the race begins and Set begins to sink.


Horus' boat of wood floats and Horus can see Set as he begins to sink.


At the end of the race, Set is sunk.


Horus emerges the winner.



So, now the story is complete.

It is glaringly obvious that there is nothing 'coincidental' about Cydonia.

That said and understood,  let's turn our attention back to this reflection.

Take notice of these two symbols because they are a dead give away as to whose Face this really is.


Both the Scarab Beetle and Lotus Flower are symbols commonly associated with Khepri, or...

Ra as his younger self.

The conclusion is inescapable.

This is the Face of Ra, Creator of All Things.

There can no longer be any doubt.

The Face on Mars doesn't just mean something, it means everything.

It is The Way, The Truth, and The Light.


The Battle of The Face on Mars



Here's an updated chart of God/glyph assignments.


Continued here: Loose Ends

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