Cydonia image galleries by Max The Knife
My geometry
map and most mirrored images on this website are copyright 2005(filed and
pending). All rights reserved.
Just felt like doing a couple more…
Here’s the D&M mirrored along its perfectly measured left arm…
here for full resolution
Here’s the Bull’s side…
here for this amazing 8mb image.
Here’s the other side of that. What could this be???
here for the full image. J
While illustrating the 4.7 geometry issue, I somehow got away from the scheme of things. I was incorrect to say that the split for Bones’ Bull is along the 33.3 sight line of the Fort. I think I have too many things on my mind lately. The crater method is the correct method.
Image: V01024003
This image is accomplished using the Fort’s sight line. Notice the image is ‘separated’.
here for full resolution image.
This image is accomplished using the Fort’s crater. Notice how the image comes together.
Click here for full resolution image.
Here is the setup for each image…
This next series is for my good friend Bones over at TEM’s private forum.
For as long as I can remember he has talked about this particular feature and dubbed it “Aslan”. There is an MSSS MOC image of this feature. Up close, there appear to be a few more alignment ‘craters’. The trick in utilizing them will be orienting the image correctly. I may spend some more time on that tomorrow.
Lucky for us Gary’s mosaic of Themis data shows the whole thing and I have my ‘official’ Cydonia geometry map handy.
For you, Bones… you were right all along… But there is more… J
Here’s the setup:
Here’s the series… (file sizes vary up to 8MB)
Wowow! There’s a new hi-resolution image of Cydonia available from my friend Gary of
His image is slightly off… I had to rotate it 2.4 degrees to make it perfect.
The symbol in the middle isn’t a Rosy Cross…. What could it be???
here for full 4MB image.
Also, after double and triple checking, Saunders’ and Haas’ Enki is found on a 4.7 degree off North line… I was obviously confused back in December… thanks to MSSS and their antics. You should notice that the line is the same but my measurements were wrong.
Here is the setup as it should be. Please compare to mirrors done in December.
Here is a properly measured image for comparison and verification.
03/30/06 late evening:
What’s really cool about the Bull is all this commotion about 4.7 was caused by this specific mirror’s discrepancy.
Meaning, this is the setup…
How about that?!
Here are some other mirrors I did earlier this afternoon…
to image M04-01903 (~4.9 MB)
Here’s the show.
03/30/06 early evening:
It is amazing what 4.7 degrees can do. It turns out there was a problem with the mirror images I did back in December using MSSS MOC data. Images obtained from this source do not appear to be on the “up & up”, to say the least. The problem came up by coincidence in a discussion at TEM’s private forum.
During my December efforts on MSSS MOC data, I did notice, but failed to note in my journal, a discrepancy in the measurements of the Fort. Namely how a –33.3 degree line aligns with the Fort.
Here is a link to TEM's IR analysis. RCH claims that the geometry of the building foundations we see in the IR images of Cydonia is aligned to North.
That got me thinking…
My repeatable geometry work reveals that the Fort is equipped with a sightline. A perfect –33.3 degree line off North reveals that the Fort is indeed geometrically connected to the D&M…. precisely.
I illustrate that, in detail, here (8mb file).
Here is a crop of my work with some key highlights.
Now, notice how the building foundations, as cited by Hoagland in his IR analysis, are aligned to North. Presumably, according to image orientation.
The thing
is, a –33.3 degree line derived from the ‘given’ north line does not align as
precisely to the Fort as the –33.3 degree line from my geometry map does.
here for bigger version of image…
That’s when I remembered this irritating discrepancy while I was working on MSSS MOC data. For whatever reason… it didn’t register in my head as a significant problem.
But it sprung into my mind, so I went back and looked. This is what I found…
We can compare the alignments of other images to MSSS data… HUH?!
More proof…
What just happened here??!!
What you see is hard scientific proof that MSSS has misaligned images. According to Tetrahedral code to boot. That is a HUGE problem. Let’s see him ad hoc his way out of this!
For those who don’t know, the error, to each side of my measurements, is none other than 4.7 degrees.
If you’re listening, Professor Hoagland, I know you were looking for this hard to find angle as per McDaniel’s book. Might this be it??? If it is, what does it mean?! J
And there’s more, I already noted MSSS’s antics with the FOM. That misalignment was blatantly obvious.
My other examples will have to wait because I have more mirrors to post tonight.
Here is Fort, all over again. This time, I guarantee they are correct. Just compare these to the mirrors I did in December. I think you’ll agree.
Link to image M04-01903 (~4.9 MB)
Here’s the corrected setup:
Here’s the corrected show… J
Here’s another possible example of matching symbols…
Not as good, I think as my match from a week ago…